Kategorija ‘Jaunumi’

Rethinking workplace in 2023

LOPB sekretariāts @ 11. septembris, 2023

Trends from psychology perspective

On October 13, 2023 Latvian Society for Organizational Psychology is hosting an annual conference – Rethinking workplace in 2023. Trends from psychology perspective. The purpose of the conference is to learn about the latest developments and insights in organizational psychology in today’s ever-changing workplace. This year we plan to hold the conference in an online format, in the form of one full day session.

Amongst conference speakers we have:

  • Mary-Ann Baynton, workplace relations specialist (Canada)
  • Prof. dr. Arnold Bakker, (Neatherlands)
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Louis Hickman (USA)
  • Prof. Dr. Marise Born (Netherlands)
  • Mpsych Gunita Smirnova (Latvia)
  • Prof. Dr. Steffen Giessner (Netherlands)

See the full conference agenda here

Please register for the conference here

The conference this year will be held online in 1 single day. The conference work language will be English. There will be an opportunity to ask questions to the speakers, as well as watch some video recordings after the conference and receive certificates for attending the conference. Recording of the conference and further distribution of the content without the written consent of the authors is strictly prohibited.

Conference participation fee* upon registration:

  • For students – 10 EUR;
  • LOPB members* – 15 EUR;
  • For others – 30 EUR;

*LOPB members must have paid the annual membership fee for the year 2023.

In case of invoice need or confusion, please write to: lopb.konference@gmail.com

See you at the conference!

Call for speakers

LOPB sekretariāts @ 21. maijs, 2023

Conference of Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology

Rethinking workplace in 2023. Trends from psychology perspective

The Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology welcomes proposals for presentations from both scientists and practitioners. Join us as we explore the latest developments and insights in organizational psychology in today’s ever-changing workplace. Join us as we explore the latest developments and insights in organizational psychology in today’s ever-changing workplace.

October 13, 9:00-18:00, 2023 (Zoom Conference)

Riga, Latvia,

As the global economy and geopolitical landscape continue to be uncertain, the workplace is undergoing significant transformations. The upcoming conference aims to explore the processes and aspects that organizations in the Baltics and around the world are experiencing. We intend to share the best practices that should be kept in mind during these transformations.

The conference will review the latest trends and observations on how organizations are changing and adapting to the new uncertainty brought about by the turbulence in financial markets and the alarming geopolitical situation around the world, aging workforce, and other impacts that form today’s work environment. One notable topic would be the shift from hybrid working conditions to more onsite than remote conditions, as some industries force the move and others create more favorable and effective work environments for their teams. Another trend is the changing talent acquisition strategies due to the unprecedented layoffs in the job market, which have started mainly in IT and Fintech sectors. Could it be that the talent driven market is changing favoring employers over employees? This has affected psychological safety in the work environment, with implications for internal communication and work principles.

The conference will also address how organizations are crafting and creating welcoming and retention-safe work experiences for remote workers. While the emphasis still are on work-life balance and employee mental health. The conference will cover trending topics from SIOP workplace trends 2023, as well as requests from organizational psychologists and organizations in the Baltics.

Possible topics:

Psychological safety at work

Job crafting, work redesign,

Reskilling and upskilling employees, 

Pressure to come back, and work onsite, 

What to do onsite, what remotely, 

Aging in the workplace, 

AI trends in organizational psychology

Attitude and character vs exact experience to land a job?

Maintaining loyalty towards organizations in remote work conditions

Talent attraction and retention in 2023 

Remote worker experience/ view

Relevant topics to conference theme will be considered as well

Submission process

Please send your proposal (a brief description of the topic, relevant research) to lopb.konference@gmail.com by July 20th, 2023. We will send a notification of acceptance no later than July 30th, 2021.

Other important information:

Participation in the conference with the presentation is free of charge and is expected to be in Zoom platform. The working language will be English and Latvian. We are looking forward to seeing you at our conference on October 13, 2023!

LOPB 2022 konference: Hibrīddarbs: kā ir un kā būs?

LOPB sekretariāts @ 10. septembris, 2022

Latvijas Organizāciju psihologu biedrība 2022. gada 6. un 7. oktobrī rīko konferenci: Hibrīddarbs: Kā ir un kā būs?
Konferences mērķis ir iepazīstināt ar jaunākajiem pētījumiem, kā arī dalīties, ar pieredzi no Latvijas organizāciju vides hibrīddarba laukā.
Piesardzības labad (neriskējot ar savu un apmeklētāju veselību), šogad plānojam rīkot konferenci tiešsaistes formātā, divu sesiju veidā (3+3 stundu garumā)

Konferences runātāju vidū būs:

  • Oļegs Ņikitins, Darba vides stratēģis
  • Pārsla Baško, ERDA, uzņēmuma vadītāja
  • Edīte Kalniņa, VNĪ, Organizāciju psiholoģe,
  • Signe Kanejeva, Kantar, Lielo klientu direktore, socioloģe
  • Arita Lazdovska, 28Stone consulting, HR Speciāliste,
  • Ferdinando Toscano, Università di Bologna (Itālija), Organizāciju psihologs
  • Alexandra Kirienko , The London School of Economics and Political Science (Anglija), Uzvedības pētniece
  • Gordon Schmidt, Michigan State University (ASV), Organizāciju psihologs
  • Anda Mūrniece, TET, vides pieredzes vadītāja
  • Roberts Laukaitis, Air Force Reserve Command (ASV) – Organizāciju psihologs

Pilnā pasākuma programma pieejama šeit!

Konferences formāts izvēlēts 3 + 3 stundas, divus vakarus pēc kārtas. Būs iespēja uzdot jautājumus runātājiem, kā arī pēc konferences noskatīties dažus video ierakstus un saņemt sertifikātus par konferences apmeklējumu. Konferences ierakstīšana un tālāka satura izplatīšana bez rakstiskas autoru piekrišanas ir stringri aizlietga.

Konferences dalības maksa* reģistrējoties:

  • Studentiem – 10 EUR;
  • LOPB biedriem* – 15 EUR;
  • Pārējiem – 30 EUR;

*LOPB biedram jābūt samaksājušam ikgadējo biedra naudu par 2022 gadu.

Pieteikties šeit: LINK

Rēķinu nepieciešamības vai neskaidrību gadījumā lūgums rakstīt uz: lopb.konference@gmail.com

Tiekamies konferencē!

Call for speakers

LOPB sekretariāts @ 1. maijs, 2022

Conference of Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology

Hybridwork: how was it & where it is going?

What are the best practices of hybrid work up to this point? What will hybrid work look like in 2-5 years? 

October 6 & 7 14:00-17:00 , 2022 (Zoom Conference)

Riga, Latvia,

The theme of the conference intends to present the latest research and general understanding of hybrid work, and particularly dive into psychological aspects of new common ways of working.

During pandemics we have received interest in the topic from different organizations and individuals alike. During Covid-19 crisis, a lot of difficult decisions had to be made, and several are yet to be made for organizations to understand how to deal with new conditions. As the new way of working is still evolving it’s especially important to prepare what are the best practices or lessons learned from the professional environment up to this point.

Firstly, at the point where Covid-19 is going through different phases, organizations are adjusting to state regulations at any given point in time. Secondly, after more than 2 years of working in either fully remote or hybrid models, employees and organizations have learned new ways of working in force majeure mode. When health regulations start to normalize, organizations start to rethink what to keep, what to revert to old onsite. Where is the balance, where the modern way of working is evolving to? What are the communication, trust, leadership, culture and career growth aspects when we enter the hybrid way of work as an organization? 

The conference will cover actual topics and principles of hybrid way of working. It aims at helping organizations to create a sufficient environment, and deal and strive in uncertain and changing times to sustain satisfied and productive employees along the way. 

Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology invites you to submit proposals for presentations. Contributions from both scientists and practitioners are very welcome.

Possible topics:

Best practice in hybrid way of working

Remote work evolution

Examples/ consequences of hybridwork

Trust during hybrid work

Communication aspects to keep in mind when working in hybrid

Remote vs onsite vs hybrid way of working

How to work effectively with hybrid or virtual teams?

Career growth challenges while working in hybrid

E-leadership or leadership with different ways of working

Organizational culture in hybrid form, what are the challenges

Relevant topics to hybrid work are very welcome

Submission process

Please send your proposal (a brief description of the topic, some relevant research) to lopb.konference@gmail.com till September 5th, 2022. We will send notification of acceptance no later than September 10th, 2022.

Other important information:

Participation in the conference with the presentation is free of charge and is expected to be on the Zoom platform. The working languages will be English and Latvian.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our conference on October 6 & 7, 2022!

LOPB 2021 konference: Psychological aspects of making difficult decisions

Mārtiņš Vītols @ 4. oktobris, 2021

Latvijas Organizāciju psihologu biedrība 2021. gada 14. un 21. oktobrī rīko konferenci: Nepopulāru lēmumu pieņemšanas psiholoģiskie aspekti?
Konferences mērķis ir iepazīstināt ar jaunākajiem pētījumiem un praktiskiem piemēriem nepopulāru lēmumu pieņemšanas jomā. Turpinot iepriekšējo konferences tēmu, šajā gādā plānojam vairāk pievērsties tieši nepopulāru/ grūto lēmumu pieņemšanas psiholoģiskajiem aspektiem, šogad plānojam rīkot konferenci tiešsaistes formātā, divu sesiju veidā (3+3 stundu garumā).

Konferences runātāju vidū būs:

  • Shenghua Luan: Professor, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China. Senior Research Scientist, Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
  • Uldis Pāvuls: Ph.D. Organisational Psychologist. Partner at Energise. Lecturer at University of Latvia
  • Julian Marewski: Professor at HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne. A decision scientist.
  • Liene Pumpure: EXM, HR transformation & change consultant; Development Coach, FigureIT Oy.
  • Edīte Kalniņa: Organisational Psychologist, Head of HR, State Real Estate.
  • Ulrich Hoffrage: Professor of Decision Theory and Organizational Behavior at HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne.
  • Kristian Molander-Söderholm: Researcher at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Organisational Psychology consultant
  • Janet Fraser: Chair at The British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology, Occupational Psychology Consultant
  • Baiba Zūzena: Co-Owner and Chairwomen of the Board at Komercizglītības Centrs. Management Consultant

Pilnā pasākuma programma PIEEJAMA ŠEIT

Konferences formāts izvēlēts 3 + 3 stundas, divus ceturtdienu vakarus pēc kārtas. Būs iespēja uzdot jautājumus runātājiem, kā arī pēc konferences noskatīties dažus video ierakstus un saņemt sertifikātus par konferences apmeklējumu. Konferences ierakstīšana un tālāka satura izplatīšana bez rakstiskas autoru piekrišanas ir stringri aizlietga.

Konferences dalības maksa* reģistrējoties:

  • Studentiem – 7 EUR;
  • LOPB biedriem* – 9 EUR;
  • Pārējiem – 17 EUR;

*biedram jābūt samaksājušam ikgadējo biedra naudu par 2021 gadu.

Pieteikties: ŠEIT


Rēķinu nepieciešamības vai neskaidrību gadījumā lūgums rakstīt uz: lopb.konference@gmail.com

Tiekamies konferencē

Call for papers – Psychological aspects of making difficult decisions.

LOPB sekretariāts @ 3. maijs, 2021

What are the psychological aspects of making difficult/ unpopular decisions? What to keep in mind? How to later make the decision successful?

October 14 & 21 17:00-21:00, 2021 (Zoom Conference)

Riga, Latvia,

The theme of the conference intends to present the latest research and general understanding of decision making, and particularly dive into psychological aspects of difficult or unpopular decisions. Continuing our previous conference theme, we have received interest in the topic from different organizations and individuals alike. During Covid-19 crisis, a lot of difficult decisions had to be made, and several are yet to be made. It’s especially important to prepare for these kinds of decisions and deal afterwards with the consequences what comes from implementing a difficult decision. What would be the best way to make such decisions? What are good practices for it? 

Firstly, each person is making decisions on a personal level taking into account personality traits, cognitive abilities, and life circumstances around him or her. Secondly, in each organization’s departments, teams are making group decisions, that are affected by the earlier mentioned factors, as well as group dynamics, organization goals, management decisions, global fluctuations, etc. We believe that by reevaluating and understanding the best decision-making practice, there is a space for each individual as well as an organization to improve existing processes, therefore, improving effectiveness on several levels. 

The conference will cover actual topics and principles of decision-making. It aims at helping organizations to create sufficient environment, and deal and strive in uncertain and changing times, so to have satisfied and productive employees along the way. 

Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology invites you to submit proposals for presentations. Contributions from both scientists and practitioners are very welcome.

Possible topics:

Process of making a difficult decision.

How to prepare for and implement a difficult decision?

Examples/ consequences of unpopular decisions

Decision-making biases

Change Management with an unpopular decision?

Decision making in stressful situations

How to identify well thought out decision

Relevant topics to decision making will be considered as well

Submission process

Please send your proposal (a brief description of the topic, some relevant research) to lopb.konference@gmail.com by July 5th, 2021. We will send a notification of acceptance no later than July 20th, 2021.

Other important information:

Participation in the conference with the presentation is free of charge and is expected to be in Zoom platform. The working language will be English and Latvian.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our conference on October 14 & 21, 2021!

LOPB konference 2020: What makes a good decision?

LOPB sekretariāts @ 2. septembris, 2020

Latvijas Organizāciju psihologu biedrība 2020. gada 9. un 16. oktobrī rīko konferenci: Kas veido labu lēmumu? Konferences mērķis ir iepazīstināt ar jaunākajiem pētījumiem un vispārēju izpratni par lēmumu pieņemšanu. Mūsdienu realitāte ir informācijas pārbagātība, ļoti pretrunīgi argumenti un pat viltus ziņas. Mūsuprāt, ir svarīgi izvērtēt, kas jāņem vērā, kas būtu jāignorē vai pat jāziņo kā viltus ziņas. Kāds būtu labākais veids, kā pieņemt lēmumus? Vai tāds ir? Piesardzības labad (neriskējot ar savu un apmeklētāju veselību), šogad plānojam rīkot konferenci tiešsaistes formātā, divu sesiju veidā (3+3 stundu garumā).

Konferences runātāju vidū būs:

  • Robert Hogan (USA) – Ph.D., president of Hogan Assessment Systems. He was McFarlin Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Tulsa for 14 years.
  • Ryne Sherman (USA) – Ph.D., Chief Science Officer, Hogan Assessment Systems
  • Artūrs Utināns (LV) – Ph.D, Riga Stradiņš University
  • Jeremy Dawson (UK) – Professor of Health Management, Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield University Management School
  • Pārsla Baško (LV) – ERDA Group Biznesa partner
  • Artur Chernikau (LV) – ICF Latvia President, Leadership Coach (PCC) at TeamLead
  • Aleksandra Lobaškova (LT) – Youth counselor and project manager, MA in Cognition and Communication
  • Jurgita Babarskienė (LT) – Assistant professor Department of Psychology LCC International University
  • Mārtiņš Priedols (LV) – University of Latvia

Pilnā pasākuma programma ŠEIT.

Konferences formāts izvēlēts 3 + 3 stundas, divus piektdienu vakarus pēc kārtas. Būs iespēja uzdot jautājumus runātājiem, kā arī pēc konferences noskatīties video ierakstus un saņemt sertifikātus par konferences apmeklējumu.

Konferences dalības maksa* reģistrējoties:

  • Studentiem – 7 EUR;
  • LOPB biedriem* – 9 EUR;
  • Pārējiem – 15 EUR;

*biedram jābūt samaksājušam ikgadējo biedra naudu par 2020 gadu.

Aicinām pieteikties mūsu organizētajai konferencei jau laikus.

Pieteikšanās: ŠEIT

Tiekamies konferencē!

Call for papers – What makes a good decision?

LOPB sekretariāts @ 4. jūnijs, 2020

How decisions are made on an organizational and personal level?

What affects them?

October 9, 2020

Riga, Latvia,

The theme of the conference intends to present the latest research and general understanding of decision making. Since nowadays individuals and organizations are surrounded with information, very contradicting arguments, and even fake news, it is crucial to evaluate what should be taken into account, and what should be skipped or even reported as fake news. 

What would be the best way to make decisions? Is there one? 

Firstly each person is making decisions on a personal level taking into account personality traits, cognitive abilities, and life circumstances around him or her. Secondly in each organization’s departments, teams are making group decisions, that are affected by the earlier mentioned factors, as well as group dynamics, organization goals, management decisions, global fluctuations, etc. We feel that by reevaluating and understanding the best decision-making practice, there is a space for each individual as well as an organization to improve existing processes, therefore improving effectiveness on several levels. 

The conference will cover actual topics in this area to bring an understanding of key principles to help organizations create an environment that shapes healthy decision making culture, satisfied and productive employees. The conference also intends to give practical tips on how to improve the decision-making process.

Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology invites you to submit proposals for presentations. Contributions from both scientists and practitioners are very welcome.


– Individual decision-making process
– Group decision-making process
– Sorting out trusted and relevant information
– Decision-making biases
– What makes a good decision?
– Decision making in stressful situations
– How to identify well thought out decision

Relevant topics to decision making will be considered as well

Submission process

Please send your proposal (a brief description of the topic, some relevant research) to lopb.konference@gmail.com till July 5th, 2020. We will send notification of acceptance no later than July 20th, 2020.

Other important information:

Participation in the conference with the presentation is free of charge and is expected to be in the Zoom platform. The working language will be English and Latvian.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our conference on October 9, 2020!

LOPB konference 2019: Par ko organizācijās nerunā? Aktuālie tabu temati darba vietās un kā ar tiem strādāt.

LOPB sekretariāts @ 27. jūnijs, 2019

Latvijas Organizāciju psihologu biedrība 2019. gada 13. septembrī rīko konferenci Par ko organizācijās nerunāAktuālie tabu temati darba vietās un kā ar tiem strādāt. Plāns koncentrēties uz Latvijas organizāciju vidē aktuāliem, taču noklusētiem tematiem, kas grauj organizāciju iekšējo kultūru un samazina tās konkurētspēju tirgū. Veidojot šo konferenci, vēlamies apzināt esošo situāciju par Latvijā noklusētām tēmām, kas darbiniekiem ir svarīgas, taču tiek apspriestas nepietiekami vai noklusētas vispār.

Konferences runātāju vidū būs:

  • Miguel Gurrola (Meksika, Vācija) – Concious Performance, uzņēmuma vadītājs, partneris; ex – Itim & Hofstede Centre, globālā biznesa attīstītājs; ;
  • Katrīna Ošleja – uzņēmēja ar 19 gadu pieredzi, organizāciju psihologs, vadības koučs, supervizors, līderības trenere, psihoterapeite;
  • Reinis Lazda – Createst, īpašnieks, konsultants; Alberta koledža, docents; organizāciju psihologs;
  • Katri Vintiša – Valsts kanceleja, personāla politikas departamenta direktore;
  • Anta Praņēviča – Fontes vadības konsultācijas, valdes locekle, pētījumu grupas vadītāja; 
  • Ieva Stokenberga – LU, profesora asistente; Triviums, apmācību vadītāja;  Dr. psych.;
  • Liene Atholde – Accenture, cilvēku kapitāla un daudzveidības (diversity) pārvaldības vadītāja; organizāciju psiholoģe;

Un daudzi citi, zemāk skatīt pilno pasākuma programmu.

Visas dienas garumā būs iespēja uzdot jautājumus un diskutēt ar ekspertiem, taču interesantākās diskusijas būs pasākuma noslēguma – diskusiju sadaļā ar uzkodām, neformālā gaisotnē par to, kā strādāt ar tabu tematiem darba vidē.

Aicinām pieteikties mūsu organizētajai konferencei jau laikus un rezervēt sev vietu.

Pasākuma programma šeit

Pieteikšanās: ŠEIT

Tiekamies konferencē!

Of what they don’t speak in organizations enough? Taboo topics in organizations how to discuss them, and what to do about them.

LOPB sekretariāts @ 4. jūnijs, 2019

Call for papers

Conference of Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology

Of what they don’t speak in organizations enough?

Taboo topics in organizations how to discuss them, and what to do about them.

September 13, 2019

Riga, Latvia,

The theme of the conference intends to start discussing topics in organizations that bother employees, is not communicated clearly or even is ignored – of what organizations don’t speak enough. Taboo topics in organizations – how to discuss them, and what to do about them?! Quite often there are certain topics that are being discussed in silenced mode, next to vending machines, or in some other informal areas. Sometimes these topics are even ignored, but still, they exist in organizations everyday culture. We feel that openness and clear communication should also be addressed towards different kind of taboo topics in organizations, in order to create a healthier and more productive working environment. The conference will cover actual topics in this area to bring the understanding of key principles to help organizations create an environment that shapes healthy culture, satisfied and productive employees. The conference also intends to give practical tips on how to start discussions in the organization, to break the ice and bring the topics on the surface.

Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology invites you to submit proposals for presentations. Contributions from both scientists and practitioners are very welcome.


  • Psychopathology or antisocial behavior in an organization;
  • Bossing in the workplace;
  • Micromanagement as not welcomed behavior;
  • Toxic organizational culture;
  • Remuneration policy;
  • Tolerance of diversity;
  • Unethical topics or how to talk ethically on unethical topics?

Submission process

Please send your proposal to lopb.konference@gmail.com till June 20th, 2019. We will send notification of acceptance no later than July 10th, 2019.

Other important information:

Participation in the conference with the presentation is free of charge. The working language will be English and Latvian.


We are looking forward to seeing you in Riga on September 13, 2019!


Mārtiņš Vītols

Chairman of the Board,

Latvian Society of Organizational Psychology

lopb@lopb.lv, www.lopb.lv